Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Miss Natasha of Day by Day tagged me to answer this little survey. Hence my bringing The Rambling Rose out of hibernation. :-D

When you're scared of something that is not truly frightening, what's the very first thing you do?
I either exclaim, "Ack!" or something similar, or if I'm really scared, I blurt out random gibberish.

When you feel like you've lost control of your emotions, what do you do?
Rage and spew my venom on anyone who will listen, or just cry like a baby, or sulk and drown my woes on the Internet. It depends on which emotion I've lost control of.
When was the last time you cried?
Um, Sunday afternoon, actually.
Why did you cry?
A combination of things:
~Mom's neck was so tight she could hardly see, so that stressed me out
~I got a roaring headache and an acute attack of shame over some stupid things I'd done over the past week, just before the service started
~The sermon made me feel like trash because I don't act like a "real Christian" should act (which happens pretty much every week anyway)
~I'd had several late nights and felt stressed out
~We'd worked all day Saturday trying to finish the Great Kitchen Remodel (post in progress!) and get the house back to normal
So Tom was one very tired and stirred-up-inside little wench that day.
Who is your closest confidant?
Usually Mom, although I do talk to God about some things that I'm afraid to tell her, or that she's sick of hearing but I still can't figure out/resolve
For what would you go to college for if you were going?
Jewelry/Fashion Design, or I might take courses on Creative Writing...and possibly Art
Who is your most annoying pet?
In all honesty, I'd have to say Domino because, as Peter put it, "A fly sneezes, and he freaks out." Which is actaully pretty close to the truth.

Why don't you like tags?
I like being tagged, actually, because I enjoy these surveys. What I don't like (and experienced on Xanga) is reading my Cyber-friends'* surveys and wanting to join the fun...and not being invited. Short answer: Because it can be exclusive.

Which five people do you tag?
 I tag: Kellie, Michelle...and whoever else reads my blog and wants to join in. :-P I'd tag Shawn and Peter, but methinks they've outgrown blogging (*raspberry*), and I'd tag Caleb and Matthew if they had blogs. :-P 
Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

*Cyber-friends: People met online with whom I have a friendly acquaintance
~Tom's Dictionary of Whacked-out Terms and Old Family Sayings

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)