Friday, May 1, 2020

Crafty Corner | Springtime Flower Crown

I’ve always enjoyed wearing flowers in my hair—the kind that never die or irritate my sinuses, that is. :-P
I have several small blossoms threaded through bobby-pins that I stick in my coiffure of a Sunday (or rather, I did when church meetings were still safe and legal), but I’ve been wanting to make a full-on wreath...chaplet...flower crown...thing...for a while now, for special occasions. And I figured, hey, I have time to spare—why not use some of it to fulfill that dream?

A nice old lady from church let me look through her “stash” of artificial flowers last Fall and choose out what I liked. At first, I thought of making more individual hair-flowers, but the desire for a flower-crown took over, and I found I liked how all the different colors looked together.
These are what I picked:

Narcissus, forget-me-nots, and what I’m calling cherry-blossoms in three shades of pink. Cheery and colorful—a perfect homage to Springtime, aye?

To make the crown, I basically followed this tutorial, using silver-colored jewelry/craft wire for the base, and masking tape to hold the two ends together...’cos that’s what I had on hand. I don’t recommend this, as the shiny silver wire looks a bit odd peeking through the flowers, and of course the masking tape is a bit tacky. Florist’s wire (or even green-colored craft wire) and green tape would definitely look more “natural.”
Propped up on a pretty silver trinket-box
(which needs polishing, yikes),
courtesy of the same nice lady
Another change I made from the tutorial was to use Duco Cement instead of hot glue. I didn’t think hot glue would adhere to the metal wire, but I knew Duco Cement would. And for the record, I poked the “nub” at the base of each flower (or stem in some cases) through the wire braid where possible, glued it down, and trimmed off the nub after the glue was dry. Then I put more glue over it for extra security.

Once I had all the flowers glued down, I lined the inside with long, slender leaves that came with the cherry-blossoms, to cover the wires and prevent their snagging my hair. Plus it looks pretty. 😊

While it doesn’t show in the photos, the wires were still visible in places, so I added these pretty lavender flowers (originally slated for another project) to cover them. I also used the green plastic buds that came with them, as it added a bit of interest.

And just for funsies, I decided to wear it today in honor of May Day. Ta-da!

~What I’m Wearing~
Bare Feet—’cos it’s Spring, and shoes are optional.
Pink cropped trousers: Thrifted
Cherry Blossom” long-sleeved tee: Thrifted. Quite possibly my favorite “round-the-house” shirt to date!
CU of finished flower crown
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, kinda went Witness Protection in these photos...but frankly, my phone case is prettier than my face these days, LOL. ’Sides, it was kinda the only way to get a good angle.)
I hope this little post has inspired you to take on a pet project of your own. Don’t be afraid to try something new, or just do something for the fun of it. You may discover a new skill. At the very least, you’ll have accomplished something you’ve been wanting to do, but never made time for before. 

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)