Sunday, November 1, 2020

How Does Your [Royal] Garden Grow? | Sneak Peek from "The White Birds"

More pix from our own garden on my Instagram

  [NOTE: If you haven’t read Prince Nácil yet, be aware that beyond here, there be spoilers.]
(All pictures  after first two via Pinterest)

* * * 

    They entered the Gardens without another word, and Nácil’s heart lightened at the sight of the neat beds, stately trees, and vibrant colors that met his eyes.

    Despite the lateness of the year, the Royal Gardens still boasted life and beauty a-plenty. Several small members of the carnation family—commonly called “pinks” due to their toothed petal-edges—added shades of pink and magenta and ruby-red amid the blue-lavender asters and many-colored chrysanthemums. A few late-blooming delphiniums still bore clusters of brilliant blue atop their tall candles, while daisies and various coreopsis added splashes of white and gold. Some shrubs and trees that had been green in Summer now wore brilliant scarlet, golden yellow, and even burgundy, in glorious contrast to their evergreen garden-mates.
    Shall we see how your roses are faring in their new home?” Nácil asked brightly.
    Müriel nodded with a tiny smile, but said nothing.
    In the center of the Gardens stood a magnificent fountain of white marble, its three tiers shaped like lotus-blossoms, sending a gentle stream of clear, sparkling water into the air before running down into the basins. A ring of heather-edged beds surrounded the fountain, interrupted by the intersecting garden paths of gray flagstones. These beds housed the Elven-queenblue rose I love roses..might have to get this one for my garden...beautiful!                                                                                                                                                     More
’s prized roses, now mostly dormant in the Harvestide season, awaiting the return of Spring. In the center of each bed stood a new bush still covered in glossy dark-green leaves and a few sweet-scented blooms of nearly the same electric blue as the delphiniums.
Müriel approached the nearest of these and cupped it in her hand as if lifting up the chin of a beloved child. Her smile grew ever-so-slightly wider, and she bent down to breathe in its fragrance.
    Nácil grinned and followed her example. “Ah! I had forgotten how blue roses smelled,” he remarked. “There really is nothing in the World of Men to compare with them, although some red roses come near to it.”

They appear to be adapting well to their new surroundings.”
    Which is a great relief, to own the truth.”
    Did you fear they would not?”
    I was unsure. After all, they lived all their lives in the Red Forrest, and underwent a long journey to the Palace.” He smiled softly. “Perhaps…perhaps some residue of my mother
’s influence lives on in this garden.”
    Müriel laid her head on his shoulder and her hand over his heart. “Part of her lives in you, dear Nácil. It is your Gift—which you inherited from Queen Jael—that makes this garden flourish, now.”

    He gazed at her tenderly, brushing a stray lock of hair off her face.
If they heard the echoing patter of footfalls on the flagstone path, they disregarded them. If they heard Harold
’s voice calling their names, they paid it no heed.
    Nácil lifted Müriel’s chin and kissed her softly.
    A long, drawn-out
“Uuuuugggghhhh” sounded behind them, and they turned to see Harold standing a few feet away. He stared at them with knitted brows, his mouth comically askew.
    “All you two ever do is
kiss,” he complained.
    Nácil smirked. “Should it please Elyon for you to be as happily married as I am, my lad, you’ll understand why, I daresay.”
    “Catch me!” Harold snorted. “When I get married, my wife and I will have lots more exciting things to do.”
    Nácil threw Müriel a wink and squatted down to Harold
’s eye-level. “Oh, shall you, indeed? What sorts of things?”
    “Why, going on picnics, and attending the Dances at Springtime and Summer Solstice, and setting off fireworks at Christmas, and—oh, lots of things much more fun than standing about kissing all the time.”
    “Those do sound like exciting activities, to be sure. But I see no reason why we can
’t enjoy them now. Supposing you consult the calendar in the library, and see when the next holiday will be? Then you can help us plan a celebration.”
    Harold’s eyes danced. “Really, Sire? I can help plan a holiday?”
    “Certainly; the next one shall be the first holiday observed in Arboria since Iceheart’s demise. That’s cause for a special celebration, if ever there was one.”
    Harold let out a wild whoop, leaping in the air and pumping his fist. He hugged them both and dashed off.
    Müriel hid a quiet laugh behind one dainty hand. “You handled that rather well, my love.”
    He rose, chuckling slightly. “By Elyon’s grace, I seem to be absorbing a portion of Harold’s abilities.”
    “Defusing potentially awkward situations with cheerfulness,” he explained. “But I daresay we should be less…affectionate…in his presence, since it bothers him so. After all, he did live nearly ten years with you alone, and like as not isn’t used to the behavior of married folk.”
    She pondered this a moment. “I see nothing particularly inappropriate in your attentions to me.”
    He raised his eyebrows. “Well, this is a surprise,” he teased. “Not so very long ago, I seem to recall you objecting to my attentions when ‘there are children present.’”
    She smiled foolishly, coloring a little. “I—I was confused—you startled me, and I said whatever came into my head. As for Harold,” she continued, “he shall grow accustomed to them in time. And remember, Nácil; he is but a child yet, and such things are unfathomable at his stage of life.”
    We are rather silly, aren’t we?” he chuckled, rubbing noses with her. “That is to say, one of us is very silly, and it certainly isn’t you.”

* * *

A snippet from my current WIP, The White Birds, sequel to my recently-published fantasy novel, Prince Nácil…and a wee dose of Victüriel cuteness for any and all shippers out there. :-P The imagery in this scene fit the current Autumnal weather where I live, so it seemed appropriate. 😊

At present, I have around seventeen(ish) chapters written out linearly, plus upwards of twenty pages of random snippets still waiting to be strung together coherently.

This book has a very different “flavor” to its predecessor. The plot is deeper, more complex, and even a bit darker, than PN. The stakes mayn’t be quite as high this time around, but they feel like it (especially from Victor’s perspective). 

 Familiar characters from PN are back, and a bit more fleshed out (save poor Harold; he kinda got swept under the carpet in this book—oops). 

Nácil and Müriel in Omphálos (Turgon and Idril by Mysilvergreen on DeviantArt)

Characters who played minor roles—or were even just in the background—are now part of the main cast. 

"Oh, very well; keep your secrets...."












There are new characters to add that extra spice of variety.

Needs golden-green eyes, otherwise, Azriel Ixia

My goal (Lord willing) is to finish the first draft by the end of this year, or shortly thereafter. I was aiming for a Spring release, but I have a feeling August or September 2021 would be a more realistic goal.

I can’t wait to share the continuation of the Children of Light series with you!

Check out my Pinterest boards for a glimpse into the world of Ýdära, and other stories I have waiting in the wings.

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

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