Monday, April 23, 2018

30 Day Song Challenge | Day 23: Song You Want Played at Your Wedding

Frankly, at this point in my life, the chances of my ever getting married are slim to none. If I ever had any admirers, I’ve long since driven them away with my weirdness and immaturity. And I’m still weird and immature.

Lass, a truly Godly man—your anam chara*—would cherish your quirks. He wouldna’ be put off by your flaws, an’ he’d inspire ye to act more maturely.

Well, he’d have to be really special, that’s for sure.

Anyhow, on the off-chance God did bring the right fellow into my life, and he decided he could survive spending the rest of his with my crazy self…well, I’ve been feeling that “I See The Light” from Disney’s Rapunzel would be appropriate to play at our wedding. Cant’ say exactly why, but it just seems like it. *Shrug*

Along with “Eielweiss” from Disney’s The Sound of Music. Perfect for waltzing to! 😊

* Anam chara (ANN-um KAH-rah) = Irish Gaelic for “soul-mate”

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)