Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Twist of Rapunzel Blog Tour | Interview with Kendra

Day Four of the Rapunzel-themed Blog Tour, and this time, I get to interview Kendra E. Ardnek, author of Misfortune.

Welcome, Anka Kendra (or is it Arista these days?), to the Rambling Rose! We’re honored to have you visit our humble little piece of the Blogosphere once again (and by "we," I mean myself and the various members of the Peanut Gallery peeking in the windows and around the doorway, of course).

I answer to both Anka and Arista. They each belong to a different universe, though they mean very close to the same thing.

1.) I hear you’ve based Misfortune not only on the classic tale of Rapunzel, but also the book of Daniel. What inspired you to combine these two stories?

The title, actually! Way back, I played a "your YA title based off your name and shirt color" game, and what I got was "The Daughter of Blood and Misfortune." What immediately popped into my head was the story of a girl who was considered cursed because she was born on the night that her kingdom fell, and my brain kept going "Fall of Babylon." Round about a few months later, I was looking for a Rapunzel retelling for the Golden Braids challenge, and this came to mind. See, there’s a non-canon story of Daniel where he killed a dragon. Using, among other things ... hair. It’s a story that’s fascinated me since I first heard it, and so I couldn’t resist the chance to play with it.

2.) What has been the most difficult part of writing Misfortune?

I actually lost the first three chapters of the book immediately upon writing them (I was using an annoying computer). I was able to recover the first chapter, because I’d just shared it online, but I had to rewrite the rest. I wasn’t able to recreate that first chapter, and it about killed my motivation to work on the story. Which is why you’re seeing it now instead of with the Golden Braids last year. That said, that loss was what spurred me to reattack Hair We Go Again, after I’d lost ITS first couple chapters a few months before, which is why that book was the one that I released last year.
Oh, honey...I’ve been there. It HURTS!
*Moment of silence for lost work*

3.) Which of the characters was the most fun to work with?

Misha, maybe? I just love writing mysterious old mentors who know more than they’re letting on.

4.) Were there any surprises or "Aha!" moments you’d like to share?

The moment that the story clicked together with the tale of Daniel and the Dragon.

5.) Do you plan on weaving any more Biblical stories into future works?

Who honestly knows. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again, I promise.

6.) I noticed the braid in the cover-art is brown black, not "like spun gold," per the original Faerie-tale. (Well, it looked brown on my laptop, but we all know how shifty computer screens can be, LOL.) Care to satisfy my curiosity (and probably others’) as to why?

Because the heroine has black hair, not gold? Had to make it culturally appropriate!

7.) Any advice or encouragement for other writers looking to retell a classic Faerie-tale?

Make the story your own. Add your own twist to make it awesome. Respect the original tale. And remember that Disney is, itself, a retelling so please stop treating it as the original, guys!

Thanks, Kendra, for stopping by, and best wishes with your newest release!

Pop on over to Knitted by God’s Plan, A Synesthette Writer, and all the other blogs listed below join the fun!
 May 16
  Kendra E. Ardnek – Top 10 Rapunzel Retellings.
 Dreams and Dragons – The Daughter of Blood and Misfortune 
 Rambling Rose – Kendra 
 Live. Love. Read – Diamond

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)