Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Just a note to say I'm still alive....although this blog doesn't seem so, wot? :-P

I'll see about a post detailing Grandma and Grandpa's visit earlier this month...if anyone cares to read about it. We had a good time overall, and I have lots of loverly pix waiting to be uploaded from my camera. Like the ones from our cruise. ;-) >TeaseTease<

Oh, and another interesting (maybe) bit of news: I am now a volunteer at the local Hospice thrift store. First day was this past Monday.
I haven't seen so much stuff to be sorted since we helped Patty clean out her storage unit last year....
Anyhoo, it's quite a different experience for me, but a pleasant one. The manager and (most) other workers are friendly and cheerful, and by God's grace I caught on fairly quickly where to put all those donations. At present I only work from 10 to 1 on Mondays, but I may opt for more hours as I get used to the system.

I'll be taking a hiatus from sewing and blogging until September or October, as there are several things that need doing around the house/yard before Winter sets in. Which the family need my help with. After that, Lord willing, I should have more to post about (*coughcoughProgressOnProjectscough*), which hopefully will make this blog more interesting.

L8r, folks!
God bless,


  1. That reminds me, I have all of those pictures on my hard drive. I can but 'em on a flash drive and sneaker-less-net them over to you.

  2. She's alive!!! =D

    My blog has been pretty much deserted over the summer, too. There's so much to do while the weather is nice!


  3. That must be exciting to volunteer at the local Hospice! I completely understand about the summer-blogging-hectic-MIA thing;)

    Looking forward to seeing you soon!


  4. Wow! Thank you all for your comments!

    Peter--Thanks, Bro. That would be great.

    Natasha--Oh, yes!

    Kellie--It's a good experience, and it helps that I love thrift shops, too. ;-)


Please feel free to leave a comment—I LOVE comments!—so long as it is God-honoring, clean, kind and coherent. Anything obscene, profane, mean-spirited or unintelligible will be deleted. As webmistress, that's my right.

...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)