Saturday, February 27, 2016

Actually Finishing Something: Bearington

By God’s grace, I can finally cross one thing off my New Year’s list: As of  this afternoon, I finished my new mascot, Bearington!

I actually started knitting him in October, I think, but what with one thing and another (and some procrastination on my part *whistle*), it took a while to finish. For the curious, I used the Mister Bean’s Teddy pattern by Sarah Bradburry for the head and body, Debbie Bliss’ Teddy Bear pattern for the ears and legs…and just winged it for the arms. I also added a neck, as the head didn’t look right just sewn directly to the body.
Because I’m an incurable tweaker, I made some other modifications:

·        I used US size 1 knitting needles instead of #3s to make the gauge as small as possible (I didn’t want him ending up too big)
·        Because the head and body ended up bigger than I expected, I had to lengthen the legs to be more proportionate
·        Instead of using felt and buttons for the facial features, I embroidered them with yarn. I also added the black paw-prints and “claws” on the paws and feet, to add character.

·        I made the inner ears cream instead of brown like the pattern called for, and I used a buttonhole stitch along the edges to have a line of brown over the cream parts. It looked less stark that way.

He ended up a bit taller and skinnier than I imagined, and his paws are a bit more squared-off than I hoped, but all in all, he turned out really cute, and I’m so happy to have him done now!

On to the next project….

Say goodbye to the nice people, Bearington.
Bye-bye! Come again soon!

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

1 comment:

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)