Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ode to OTP, Part One | Faerie-tale OTP Challenge | Faerie-tale OTPs

Stumbled across this after a long hiatus from checking other people’s blogs. Arielle of The Splendor Falls on Castle Walls, and of Fairy Tale Central, has kindly provided this fun little questionnaire in blog form, for those of us who still do the blogging thing, LOL.
And not being into Facebook and Instagram and these new-fangled social media what-nots, :-P I sure appreciate it. Go check out Arielle’s blog post here for more details.

Not sure if I’m doing this right, as I’ve only seen one filled-out example here, but we’ll give it a shot....

~Fairy Tale OTP Challenge:~
1. The first fairy tale OTP you shipped: Oh, wow—I’ve been exposed to Faerie-tales for as long as I can remember (and my memory goes back to when I was two-and-a-half, yo), so I honestly can’t remember...unless it was Dorothy and the Scarecrow from MGM’s The Wizard of Oz. (Hey, I was five years old. Gimme a break. ;-)) The Scarecrow was my favorite of Dorothy’s companions (even named one of my/Peter’s teddy bears after him), and she did say she’d miss him “most of all” when she left Oz, so....*shrug*
2. The cliché fairy tale OTP that everyone ships but you still love:
Ugh, drawing a blank here.... 
3. Your favorite hate-to-love fairy tale OTP: Admittedly, I thought this was an “I don’t want to love this ship!” question, but after reading Elijah David’s answers, I see it could also mean that the characters involved go from hate to love within the story. So I’ll go with that route.
Hmmm...all I can think of are Belle and the Beast from Disney’s B&B (either version), or Anya and Dmitri from Fox’s Anastasia...which admittedly isn’t a Faerie-tale.... 
4. The fairy tale OTP with the craziest relationship: Peter Pan and Wendy Darling from pretty much any version of Peter Pan. Whether or not the version includes that whole “Don’t you know what a kiss is?!” thing, their relationship is equal parts cute, frustrating, and a bit head-scratching. Especially in the book. UGH. And in the end, Wendy marries someone else and can no longer visit Peter in Neverland. It’s kinda sad, if you think about it too hard.
5. The best-dressed fairy tale OTP:
6. Star-crossed love: the forbidden love fairy tale OTP:
7. The funniest fairy tale OTP:
Scraps and the Scarecrow from L. Frank Baum’s The Patchwork Girl of Oz (Book 7nin the Oz series). Apart from a hasty grooming-session when they first meet, and separate declarations that they each think the other good-looking, there’s no real romance to this pairing, but I still totally ship them. Between the Scarecrow’s clever ideas and occasional punny dialogue, and Scraps’ happy-go-lucky ways and scatty attempts at poetry, these two are major contributors to the humor Baum’s Oz Books are famous for. Ooh-ha!
8. The fairy tale OTP with the most growth in their relationship:
Belle and the Beast from the 2017 live-action B&B. While the movie has its issues (what movie doesn’t?), I loved that we got a deeper look into these characters (especially the Beast), and got to watch their relationship unfold. I wrote a whole (very long) review of it a while back—click here to read it for my full(ish) analysis....
9. The sweetest, most adorable fairy tale OTP:
Drawing another blank here, oddly enough.
10. The OTP who snuck up on you, the one you didn't expect to love:
Anna and Kristoff from Disney’s Frozen. At first I didn’t like Kristoff because, let’s face it, he’s a bit of a grump when we first meet him properly. But by the climax of the movie, he’s gone from reluctantly tagging along with Anna on her crazy adventure to doing everything in his power to save her life—even though it means giving her up just when he realizes he’s in love with her. And let’s not forget Anna’s courage in seeking out her sister to make things right between them, and save the kingdom...and ultimately, being willing to give up her own life to save Elsa’s. A pair of true heroes, these two, really.
11. The moodiest fairy tale OTP:
Um...Belle and the Beast again? Seriously, the guy had issues.
12. The class-crossed fairy tale OTP:
Seems like most Faerie-tale couples are class-crossed—i.e. one of them is royalty and the other is a commoner—so it’s hard to pick just one.
13. The obscure fairy tale OTP who isn't shipped by many people (or anyone):
I’m going to say Princess Zora and Ribbit/the Prince of Freedly from Cannon’s The Frog Prince. I daresay no one (or very few people under thirty) has even heard of this delightful live-action “MovieTale” produced in the 1980s, but it was one of my favorites growing up (still is). While these two technically are just friends (Zora is only twelve-and-a-half, after all), I always liked to imagine they eventually got married. 
14. Your very favorite fairy tale OTP you'll love for the rest of your days : Can we include a non-canon OTP here? Shoutout to Jelsa (Jack Frost from Dreamworks’ Rise of the Guardians and Queen Elsa from Disney’s Frozen), arguably one of the Internet’s favorite ships. I could ramble on for a paragraph about why I think these two make the perfect couple...but I sha’n’t. In a nutshell, *whips out hipster glasses* I was shipping Jack Frost and the Snow Queen before Jelsa was a thing—since 2007, in fact, when I attempted to write a novel...but that’s another story. :-P I think the main reason I ship Jelsa (besides the fact that they both possess ice-powers) is because their personalities balance each other out. Jack is outgoing, fun-loving, a bit mischievous—the Spirit of Fun. Seems like he could teach Elsa a thing or three about relaxing and just enjoying the moment, rather than taking life so seriously all the time.

I’ll post Part Two (OTPs from our own writing) later today. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you joined in the Fairy Tale OTP Challenge!

    Awww! Love that you shipped Scarecrow and Dorothy. You know, now that I think about it, I very subtly shipped them too. She did miss him "most of all".

    Peter Pan and Wendy Darling are an interesting little couple but... not quite a couple haha. Young love. *shrugs and grins*

    Scraps and Scarecrow sound so cute! I haven't read those books in SOOOOO long but I remember reading several of Baum's boooks. Classic.

    Ooo Jelsa! They are a fun Non-OTP ship! Love it :D


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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)