Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ode to OTP, Part Two | Writing OTPs

This half of the challenge is a wee mite tricky, as my writing is still very much in the “to-be-written” stage...with the exception of Prince Nácil, which is now available to the public, after a fashion (more on that in another post). So unless you’ve either beta-read PN, or been following my sporadic blogging attempts for more than a year or two, y’all probably won’t have a clue who these people even are.

Anton Argentos:
Think of it this way, Anka: You can say whatever you want about us, including spoilers, ’cos by the time you get our stories actually written and ready to send off to your eager fans, they’ll have forgotten what you said, and it’ll be all new again! have a point, Silver One. :-P
(But no, you may not have the keyboard back; I have a blog post to write!)
Scuse me, folks; the characters in my head sometimes take over the ol’ blog.

Anka = Originally referring to the (female) keeper of a magical piece of jewelry that brings the imagination to life, coined in Kendra E. Ardnek’s The Ankulen (male form Anku, gender-neutral/collective form Ank’). I have adopted the term when referring to my fellow scribblers (and when my Characters address or refer to me), but give full credit for its creation to Kendra.

~Writer's OTP Challenge:~
(You can fill this out with any of your WIPs, published books, or ideas-to-be-written. They do not have to be fairy tale related.)
1. The first OTP you wrote: That would be Anna Johnson and Jesse Black from my ill-fated York-caster Rose Series—my teenaged attempt at historical fiction, set in the 1880s (AKA the Bustle Era—my least favorite era of the entire 19th century. Don’t ask me why I did that to myself). Even though the series begins when Anna is twelve and Jesse is fifteen, I fully intended to show them growing up and getting married over the course of the series. In a nutshell, Anna was spunky, curious, loving, and caring; Jesse was gallant, noble, perhaps a bit overly formal, and very protective of Anna.
2. Your cliché OTP from an early work that you still love:
Here’s the thing: Most of my early works had children or teenagers as protagonists, so romance didn’t really factor into the story much, if at all. Prince Nácil was really my first official foray into the realm of Romance as a plot element...and I have a feeling Nácil and Müriel will eventually be viewed as my “cliché OTP” as my skills in that area improve. Which makes me kind of sad, to be honest....
3. A hate-to-love OTP you’ve written. (Or your favorite, if you’ve written several):
I’m going to say Anton Árgentos and Isabella Oláfsdóttír (AKA Isaton) from my Heirs of Dunsmäir Saga, although it isn’t really hate-to-love. He’s absolutely smitten with her right from the get-go, and she’s more just confused and annoyed by his more lively personality, and hiding it behind a mask of pride and propriety. Anton’s personality is so different from hers (at least on the surface), and he’s nothing like the people she’s lived around (and who have conditioned her on how to act), so it takes her a while to adjust her perception of him. Thankfully, Anton has enough Intuition to realize that, and be patient with her while she goes through that process (mostly).
4. Your OTP with the craziest relationship:
Isaton, for reasons mentioned above. Personality differences—gotta love ’em. :-P

Anton Árgentos:
I just cut myself on your sarcasm, Anka. XP

(I think I cut myself, too....)

5. Your best dressed OTP: *Sheepish grin* Actually, I tend to give all my Characters nice clothes, when it’s relevant to mention how they’re dressed. But at this point, I think the award for “best dressed” goes to Nácil Vítuódhrán/Victor Greenwood and Lady Müriel (Victüriel) from the Children of Light Series. Victüriel, being Elves and all, wear a lot of silks and velvets, and Elven ladies’ gowns often feature stunning beadwork. And of course, these two are the king and queen of the Fae, so we can add elegant Crown Jewels to their wardrobe.
6. Star-crossed love: your forbidden love OTP:
Sítära Halfelven and Endor Halfdwarven from The Labors of Othniel. As their names imply, both are the children of one Human parent and one non-Human parent—which is hard enough, but add to that the fact that Elves and Dwarves are forbidden to intermarry (due to biological and cultural incompatibilities), and we have a real problem when these two idiots fall in love and decide to elope.
7. Your funniest OTP:
At this point, I’m thinking this honor will go to either Princess Brielle and Nolan Igo (Briolan), from my Children of Light series; or to Lord Azriel and Lady Cambria (Camriel), the “B”-couple in the Children of Light Series. Both pairings feature two people with outgoing, naturally positive personalities, who tend to diffuse potentially tense or awkward situations with humor, where appropriate...and at least one of them is fond of the occasional shenanigans. :-P
8. Your OTP with the healthiest relationship:
I’m going to vote for Victüriel again. Müriel endured a lot of mental and emotional abuse in her formative years (all but the last hundred years of her life, in fact), and so has a lot of hang-ups to work through, and some pretty heavy baggage to deal with...but through it all, Nácil is determined to stand by her, encourage and uphold her, to help her bear her burdens and heal from them in any way he can.
As for Müriel, she takes note of Nácil’s strength, courage, selflessness, and gentleness, and has basically patterned her life after his example from an early age. You might say he inspires her to look past her own fears and insecurities, and overcome them.

9. Your sweetest, most adorable OTP:
Liam and Starflower (StarLiam) from Princess Starflower, hands down. I featured them in another writing challenge-themed post over a year ago, which you can read here.
10. The OTP who snuck up on you, the one you didn't expect to love:
Jane Foster and Robert Igo from the Children of Light Series and the Willowmere Chronicles. Robert was one of those Characters that authors create when Plan A falls through. My plans for Jane’s story changed dramatically during the early stages of writing Prince Nácil, and long-story-short, I needed a new love-interest for Jane. Enter Robert, who has turned out to be a real sweetheart. I think the reason I didn’t expect to love this pairing so much stems from my initial lack of connection to any of the cast from Prince Nácil in the early stages. Once Robert became more fully integrated in my imagination, Inspiration took off like a house afire, and now he and Jane are among my favorite couples.
11. Your moodiest OTP:
Fintan Halfelven and Nóra Palemoon from The Demifae. Fintan has some serious anger management issues at this point in his development, and Nóra don’t take no nonsense, so...yeah.
12. A class-crossed OTP you’ve written:
Actually, a lot of my OTPs feature the old one-is-royalty/nobility-and-the-other-is-a-commoner trope; others involve mixed-Race couples. The poster-child for this question, however, would be Briolan. Their parents are all good friends. These two grew up together. Personality-wise, they’re two peas in a pod—upbeat, encouraging, outgoing, delicious sense of humor—except he’s less “bouncy” and more of a Thinker. You might say Nolan helps balance out Brielle’s exuberance. Her father even loves Nolan as a son and declares he’s everything he would want in a son-in-law. The problem? She’s the daughter of the Elven-king, and he’s Human...and Elvish Law forbids those in line to the throne from marrying Mortals. It doesn’t help when Brielle declares she’s foreseen her and Nolan’s wedding-day in a Vision....
13. An OTP you wrote that most people don’t ship:
Considering that very few people have even read my writing—and then, only two or three stories out of the dozens in the works—I’m not sure this question applies yet.
14. Your very favorite OTP you'll love for the rest of your days:
I’d say Victüriel, Briolan, Isaton, StarLiam, and Ciarona (Jamie/Ciaran McSpadden and Thomasina Blondell/Fiona Godwyn from the Heirs of Dunsmüir Saga) are at the top of the list.

Hopefully this was at least entertaining, even if it doesn’t make much sense due to lack of exposure. Feel free to check out my Pinterest boards for a (slightly) better idea of who these Characters are, and what their stories entail (at least in this point of their development).

Again, thanks to Arielle for making this known to the rest of us, and available in blog format. This was indeed a challenge, but great fun!

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless,

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...But I trust I sha'n't have to use it. ;-)