Sunday, February 25, 2018

What If…?

Saw this intriguing tag over on Kendra’s blog and decided, why not? 😉 Being entirely fantasy-based (part of the original author’s “February is Fantasy” blog theme…series…thing! :-P), it’s right up my alley! Hopefully Jenelle won’t mind my “stealing” her tag….
Fantasy Month Tag
So let’s begin:

The Questions
1. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The cast of the most recent fantasy book you read comes to your assistance… who are they? Will they be helpful? (OK, pretending for the moment I can actually drive….)
Does Star Wars count as fantasy? I think it could be classed as planetary fantasy. So that would be the cast of Hand of Thrawn: Vision of the Future. Which could include as many as thirteen or fourteen people…but I’ll just say the main folks came to my rescue—Luke and Mara, Han and Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and the Droids. Granted, an automobile would seem awfully primitive to these folks, but between Chewie, Han, and R2, they'd probably figure out how to get the thing working long enough to limp to a mechanic.
2. You go to bed one evening and wake up in the lair of the villain of the last fairy tale you read, where are you and how do you plan to get out? Oh wow, what was the last fairy tale I read?? Honestly can’t remember. Bummer. This would have been a fun one to answer.

3. You are transported into a fantasy realm and given a mythical creature as a companion and best friend… which mythical creature do you get? A Dragon would be cool (hot?), but they’re not very cuddly. I’ll say a Griffin, ’cos they fly faster than an eagle (for those times when I need to be somewhere in a flash, LOL), and they’re sorta-kinda like lions, and I’ve always been a cat person. :-D Plus they tend to be overlooked, and I always root for the underdog. 😉 And since no one can tell a lie in a Griffin’s presence…well, it seems like it’d be handy trait in a best friend.

4. In a strange series of coincidences, you end up needing to take the place of your favorite fantasy hero or heroine. Who are you? A Elbereth Gilthoniel! Suddenly I’m Frodo Baggins!!! :-O (Actually, a lot of my life feels like that anyhow. ) Ah, well, at least I’ll have good ol’ Sam to keep me company.

5. To go along with question #4, now that you are that character, is there anything you would do differently than that character, now that you are running the show? Probably be more wary of Stinker—Gollum, but otherwise, I can’t think of anything else the books’ Frodo could have done better. The movies’ Frodo, now…*snarglebargle*….

6. If you were yourself in a fantasy novel, what role do you think you would play in the story? *Blush* Actually, I’m writing myself into one of my own fantasy series. I’m basically the heroine (well, one of them), but mostly the oddball/misfit who never really grew up but is forced to take on adult responsibilities. Kinda like my real life, actually…only I don’t have Tom/Fiona’s amazing circle of friends for moral support.

7. One morning, as you are going about your daily business, you pick up an everyday item and a voice booms in your head with prophetic words about your future. What object is it, and what is your prophecy? I sit down to work on my current knitting project. As I take up my needles, a voice declares:

He Who knit you in your mother’s womb will soon knit your soul together with him whose soul is the companion thereto. Be patient, and await God’s perfect timing!

(Hey, this is fantasy; I can dream, can’t I?)

8. You are transported into a magical realm and turned into a mythical beast… what beast/fantasy creature do you want to be? Hmmm…so many choices. A Dragon, because then I could fly, and live by myself with my hoard, and blow sparks at people who annoy me (I’d never actually hurt them; just scare the stuffin’s out of them so they’ll leave me alone). A Mermaid, so I could explore the depths of the ocean and observe the strange and beautiful creatures there, and perhaps set up a pretty little grotto filled with the treasures I’d found during my adventures. A Unicorn who lives in the deep woods and dances in flowery meadows. A wood-sprite who lives in the trees and dances with the Fauns and Satyrs to welcome each Season, dressed in spider-silk, with flowers woven in my hair.

9. If you could read your way into any fantasy realm, but the catch is that you can never leave, would you? Which realm would you choose? Probably Narnia, because it’d be so cool to interact with Dryads and Naiads and Talking Beasts and all. Plus there’s always the chance of seeing Aslan face-to-face.
And of course, if it turned out I could get back to my own world (after living out most of my life in Narnia), no time would have passed here, so I’d essentially get a second chance at life.

10.  As you are going about your normal day, you discover that you have a magical power. What is it? Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted to be able to fly. Although telekinesis would be more practical.

And I’m not tagging anyone; whoever wants can do the tag themselves. :-D

I have a fun blog series in the works for April, so stay tuned! Probably won’t be back before then, though, what with Real Life commitments and moving and all. XD

Until next time, Gentle Readers,
God bless, and Happy Writing,

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